Tooth Extractions in Fairfax

When Is A Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Tooth extractions are always our last resort at Healthy Smiles Dentistry. Dr. Doshi is a conservative dentist in Fairfax , and will always look to save your natural tooth when possible. However, in some cases, a tooth may be too damaged to save with a treatment such as a root canal , and may require extraction.

Wisdom teeth extractions are also often necessary if your wisdom teeth begin to erupt and you do not have enough space in your mouth to accommodate them. If you think that you need a tooth extraction in Fairfax, contact us to schedule a consultation today.

tooth removal fairfax

Did you know…

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More than 10 million wisdom teeth are extracted every year in the United States alone. 

Ready to book a consultation in Fairfax?

Call (703) 915-7330 today!

How It Works: The Tooth Extraction Process

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Initial Consultation

To begin the process, Dr. Doshi will meet with you for a consultation and oral exam. She will assess your condition and determine whether or not a tooth extraction is necessary. Depending on your case, she may recommend immediate extraction, or you may schedule a separate appointment.

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Tooth prep and numbing

To begin the tooth extraction process, Dr. Doshi will clean and numb the treatment area. We also offer sedation to keep you comfortable during your extraction.

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Removing your tooth

Once your mouth is numb, Dr. Doshi will use special tools to loosen your tooth in the socket. Then, when it's loose enough, she will pull it out using a pair of dental forceps. Next, she will clean and suture the area, then repeat this process if you're getting multiple extractions.

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Healing & recovery

It takes about two weeks to heal after your surgical extraction, though you can usually get back to your normal routine after just a day or two. Follow the recovery instructions provided by Dr. Doshi, and come to Healthy Smiles Dentistry as scheduled for follow-ups.

Types Of Tooth Extractions We Provide

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Basic Tooth Extractions

Basic tooth extractions are the simplest type of tooth extraction. In a basic extraction, Dr. Doshi will use special tools to wiggle your tooth loose from the root, and then pull it out of your mouth.

Basic extractions are typically used for teeth that are too damaged to save with other treatments, such as root canals . In some cases, they may also be required to prepare for other procedures, such as dental implants or dentures .

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

The wisdom teeth are our third and final set of molars. They come out much later than the other teeth, usually emerging between the ages of 17-25. Many people don't have enough room in their mouths to accommodate this final set of molars. This is know as an impacted tooth and wisdom teeth extraction is considered oral surgery. 

This means that the impacted wisdom tooth may grow into your mouth improperly, causing problems like a higher risk of infections, pain, jaw stiffness, and more. If your wisdom teeth are not growing into your mouth properly, wisdom teeth removal from Healthy Smiles may be necessary. If you experience tooth pain or bleeding we are able to prescribe pain medication after the procedure. Call today if you are in need of wisdom tooth removal in Fairfax, VA.

Have Questions About Tooth Extractions? Find Answers Here.

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What Are The Common Signs That I Need A Tooth Extraction?

Generally speaking, only a dentist can determine whether or not a tooth extraction is necessary to restore your oral health and prevent further complications. But if you're experiencing tooth pain and discomfort and you believe that one or more of your teeth are severely damaged, you may need tooth extractions in Fairfax.

But don't wait. The sooner you get help, the more likely it is that you can actually save your teeth and avoid tooth extractions. Contact Healthy Smiles Dentistry for a consultation with Dr. Doshi today, and you may be able to keep your teeth. If you do need an dental extraction, we will also be able to treat the missing tooth with restorative dentistry. 

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