How Do Invisalign Attachments Work?

Invisalign treatments can offer patients a way to straighten their teeth and even address certain jaw issues without going through the awkward phases of visible metal braces.

Very broadly, the treatment involves wearing a set of clear aligners for at least 22 hours every day. Doing so will slowly move the teeth until they get to their most optimal position.

If you’ve been looking into Invisalign, you may have read that it’s not an appropriate treatment plan for all types of misalignment problems. Moreover, in some cases, patients may require certain “attachments” in order to straighten their teeth.

Here’s everything you need to know about Invisalign attachments from our Fairfax dental office.

What Are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are a set of small dots that get bonded to the teeth with dental composites. The orthodontist will place them in a specific location and use them as a sort of anchor, which will allow the aligners to properly grip to the teeth and move their position.

This is the most common type of Invisalign attachment, though the treatment may require another add-on, like buttons. These are used to help attach rubber bands to the aligners and guide the jaw to change positions.

When Do You Need These Invisalign Attachments?

Some tooth alignment issues won't respond to the Invisalign aligners alone. For instance, if you have a tooth that is shaped in a certain way, the aligners may not apply the necessary pressure to it and change its position. The same goes for teeth that are rotated, or that need to be brought above the gumline.

In these cases, the orthodontist will attach these small dots to your teeth to allow your treatment to move forwards.

Buttons are often needed when there is an issue with your bite, to help the jaw readjust. Orthodontist treatments aren’t just about aesthetics - your specialist will also want to make sure you have a healthy bite that doesn't strain your jaw or impact your overall oral health.

Are Attachments Visible?

Invisalign attachments are a bit more visible if you compare them with the clear aligners alone. Even if the attachments are tooth-colored, they can still be slightly noticeable, but the level of visibility is still nowhere near traditional metal braces. You’ll still get a much more discreet course of action.

But even if slightly more visible, Invisalign attachments will still allow you to take out your trays while you eat and clean your teeth, so maintenance is not more complicated.

Interested in Invisalign in Fairfax? We Can Help

If you’re struggling with tooth or jaw alignment issues in Fairfax, Dr. Ridhi Doshi can help you access a personalized treatment plan that will give you the healthy and pleasing smile you’ve always wanted!

Ready to find out if Invisalign is for you? Then book an appointment at Healthy Smiles Dentistry online, or call us at (703) 915-7330 for more information!

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